Early Childhood Education: Distribution of pre-K facilities and children under five years old
Early childhood education plays an important role in the long-term success of children. Early childhood education, particularly prekindergarten (pre-K), is designed to ensure children are prepared to enter first grade with the skills they need to succeed academically and socially. Children learn a variety of lessons that promote social and emotional development, language development, cognitive development, and motor development.
Given the importance of early childhood education in the long-term success of children and their families, it would be crucial for parents to have access to affordable and quality early childhood education facilities including pre-K. The best locations for pre-K facilities are very close to homes with easy geographical access.
How well located are pre-K facilities in Chatham County, Georgia? Are the locations of pre-K facilities close to the residences of parents with children under five years old? Do parents with children under five years old have easy geographical access to pre-K facilities?
Chatham County, Georgia
Time to complete the lab
Three to four hours
Familiarity with ArcGIS 10
Familiarity with Microsoft Excel
Data used in this lab
Locations and capacity of pre-K facilities in Chatham County from the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning and the phone surveys
2010 US Census data
About this Lab
Title: Early Childhood Education: Distribution of pre-K facilities and children under five years old
Author: Deden Rukmana
Level: 2, development
Requirements: ArcGIS 10
Keywords: pre-K facility, neighborhood, census tract, geocoding, spatial distribution, US Census data, children under 5 years old
File: EarlyChildhoodEdFacilities_2013.docx
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