What's new in this edition
Individual labs will indicate in the Instructor Notes changes that occur at each revision. More general descriptions of what changed for the SpatiaLABS collection at each publication appear below.
First edition of SpatiaLABS.
Labs previously written to use ArcGIS 9.3 have been updated to use ArcGIS 10.1. The Forestry course set has been updated to use ArcGIS 10.1. And nine new labs have been added:
- A Little Spare Change: Monitoring land-cover change by satellite
- A Home for the Firehouse: A town planner's perspective
- Change in the Right Direction: Monitoring land-cover change by satellite
- Early Childhood Education: Distribution of pre-K facilities and children under 5 years old
- Educational Performance and Family Income: Diamonds on the soles of scholarship?
- Glimpses of the Past: Investigating prehistoric human settlement sites—slope and aspect
- Glimpses of the Past: Investigating prehistoric human settlement sites—stream proximity
- High School Dropouts: The effect of neighborhood characteristics
- Street Kids: Geography and risks for homelessness