Educational Performance and Family Income: Diamonds on the soles of scholarship?
Two young girls entering elementary school in Boston aspire to be doctors. Both come from two-parent, one-income families with two siblings. In 13 years and with hard work, assuming all other variables equal, how will their SAT scores compare given that one comes from an impoverished household and the other from a household that is well-to-do?
Is there a relationship between educational performance and family income in the State of Massachusetts, and how might that relationship be illustrated?
Using geographic information systems (GIS), it is possible to combine academic test score information by school district with family income data gathered from the US Census to make a series of maps that illustrate income and educational performance across the state, and then analyze the geographic patterns of these maps.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, USA
Time to complete the lab
Two hours
Cursory familiarity with ArcGIS software
Data used in this lab
School district boundaries, town boundaries, test scores, census data
Geographic coordinate system: NAD 1983
Datum: NAD 1983
Projected coordinate system: Massachusetts Mainland State Plane (meters)
About this Lab
Title: Educational Performance and Family Income: Diamonds on the soles of scholarship?
Author: Jeff Blossom
Level: 2, development
Requirements: ArcGIS 9 or 10
Keywords: choropleth, statistics, data classification, correlation, spatial join, overlay analysis
File: EdPerformIncome_2013.docx
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